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A Message To Tell to the World!

The Conquerors Pathfinder Club Ministry is a youth ministry program for children and teenagers aged 10 to 16 at Ottawa East. It provides a safe and nurturing environment where young people can explore their interests, develop leadership skills, and build lifelong friendships. The program is designed to help Pathfinders grow in all areas of life while emphasizing a strong foundation in Christian values. 


Our Pathfinder Club meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 10am to 12:30pm at church. Register your children today as registration for the 2024/2025 club year is now open! If you have any questions, email

Pathfinder Aim

The Advent Message to all the World in My Generation


Pathfinder Motto

The Love of Christ Compels Me


Pathfinder Pledge

By the Grace of God, I will be pure, kind and true.
I will keep the Pathfinder law.
I will be a servant of God and a friend to man!


Pathfinder Law

The Pathfinder Law is for me to:

  • Keep the Morning Watch

  • Do my honest part

  • Care for my body

  • Keep a level eye

  • Be courteous and obedient

  • Walk softly in the sanctuary

  • Keep a song in my heart

  • Go on God’s errands


Pathfinder Song

Oh, we are the Pathfinders strong,
The servants of God are we.
Faithful as we march along,
In kindness, truth, and purity
A Message to tell to the world,
A truth that will set us free!
King Jesus the Savior's coming back
For you, and me!



  1. Help the Pathfinders know who God is

  2. To encourage Pathfinders to discover their own God-given potential and to utilize their gifts and abilities to fulfill God’s expectations for them in the plan of salvation

  3. To make the personal salvation of each Pathfinder a number one priority

  4. To equip the Pathfinders for service at church, home, school and play

  5. To build a healthy appreciation and love for God’s creation by enjoying outdoor activity and taking care of their surroundings

  6. To teach Pathfinders specific skills and hobbies that will make their lives more meaningful

  7. To encourage Pathfinders to keep physically fit

  8. To give opportunity for the development of teen leadership

  9. To foster the harmonious development of the intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and emotional life of the Pathfinder

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